Can't hear inbound ringing
If you're receiving calls but not hearing any inbound ringing (but you are hearing the customer) below are some checks you can run through.
Minimising The Softphone
Due to the way Microsoft wants apps run through their store, clicking on the Minimize button hibernates the app. If the app is hibernating then we can only send Windows notifications to the user as our calls to play the ringing sound will not work.
When you've logged in to the phone when you start your day, click away from it to another app. Whilst it's not minimized and is active behind another window the ringing will work normally.
Inbound Ringing Audio files
Make sure that there is an audio file that is playable for Inbound Ringing by going to Sounds on the softphone
Now click on the Play icon below Inbound Ringing and you should hear the ringing sound.
If there's no audio playing or it says no audio, you can download a ringtone from here. Click on the 3 dots next to Copy to and then click Download.
Once you have the file you can upload it by clicking on the file upload icon.
If you still can't hear any dialling or customer chat, verify that the current audio device is the system default. If your speakers or headphones use a USB or HDMI port, you might need to do this.
A test to check this is by opening the Sound devices:
On Windows 10:
- Type sound in the Windows 10 search box, then select Sound from the list of results.
On Windows 11:
- Type sound in the Windows 11 search box, then select Change System Sounds from the list of results
- Click on the Playback tab
With this panel open make a test call. If you can see the sound spectrum visualiser move next to one of the devices but you do not hear anything that means it's defaulted to the wrong device.
Close the softphone, choose the audio device you want the audio to come out of and click Set Default.
Here is a video of the process. Default Audio Device
As you will see when the call is in progress the the visualiser is moving but there is no sound. The user then closes the softphone and sets the default to the device that they want the sound to come out of. They restart the softphone, get a call in progress and can now hear the ringing of the call.