PBX Voicemail
Voicemail boxes can be used for individual, group and/or global company voicemails. They are activated when a call cannot be connected. A call might fail to connect for several reasons: it might be made outside working-hours, an extension is not be available or a queue might have reached its maximum limits.
Voicemails can be configured to play just a simple audio message or include a record option, allowing callers to leave their details.
You can create as many different voicemails as required. You can also choose to utilise just one general voicemail or drill down and create a separate voicemail for each potential use.
To create a new voicemail or manage an existing one, navigate to Switchboard > Voicemails

Description allows you to identify the voicemail during service configuration.
Action defines whether just a message is played or whether a caller can leave a message and, thereafter, what action is taken from the following options list:
- Deliver audio to single email address
- Deliver audio to group of emails (See Email Groups)
- Send a playback link to an email or group of emails
- Upload the file to an FTP Server (See FTP Servers)
- Send an SMS message to a mobile number
As well as delivering the messages to emails, voicemails can be played back from the management portal. To access the most recent messages, navigate to Global Settings > Voicemails