Extended Voice CDR Format
Name | Description | Data Type | Contents |
aDate | Call Start Date | string | yyyy-mm-dd |
aTime | Call Start Time | string | hh:mm:ss |
aDDI | Number Dialled | string | Max Length 21 |
aCLI | Callers Number | string | Max Length 21 |
aSeconds | Call Duration | integer | >0 Total length of the call. -1 Call not answered |
aTimeBand | Time of Week | char | D Daytime, E Evening, W Weekend |
aType | Callers Network | string | Network Charge Code |
aPPMRate | Pence per min Rate | float | Inbound number Per min rate |
aPPCRate | Pence per call Rate | float | Inbound nunber per call rate |
aPtoFlevy | Payphone to freephone Levy | float | Additional per minute levy |
aMtoFLevy | Mobile to Freephone Levy | float | Additional per minute levy |
aPPMCost | Total Inbound Cost | float | Total cost of inbound call. |
bDate | b Leg Start Date | string | yyy-mm-dd Blank if no b Leg |
bTime | b Leg Start Time | string | hh:mm:ss |
bDDI | Destination Number | string | Onward connection number |
bRingTime | Time to answer | integer | Time for end destination to answer |
bResult | Dial Result | integer | 0 No Call made 17 Call Abandoned 18 Unanswered 19 Call Answered 20 Engaged 21 Number Unobtainable 23 Other Progress Tone 43 Call Abandoned >10000 Network Failure |
bSeconds | Call Duration | integer | < 0 : b Leg Fail to connect 0 : No b leg attempted. > 0 : Duration of b leg of call |
bChargeCode | Destination Network | string | Network Charge Code |
bType | Destination Description | string | |
bPPMRate | Pence Per minute rate | float | b Leg Per Call rate |
bPPCRate | Pence Per Call rate | float | b Leg Per Call Rate |
IntLevy | International Levy | float | International Delivery Surcharge |
UKLevy | UK Levy | float | International Caller Surcharge |
bCost | bLeg Cost of call | float | Total cost of b leg call |