Direct Destinations

Updated by RM

In many cases users of the Payment Phone are part of a hunt-group accepting calls via the BCH Hosted PBX solution, or a similar solution we provide.

Additionally it maybe useful to provide a direct line number for some, or all of your users, allowing them to receive calls directly from some customers or other organisations.

This can be facilitated by using the Inbound Number functionality within the Destination Manager.

Then click on Inbound Numbers on the sub menu.

Each inbound number can be assigned to a single Destination, if you need additional numbers then you can do this directly on the area code required via our self service solution.

Routing Options

The Direct Destination service has been kept purposely straightforward with only the bare minimum of options required to complete the setup for each user. Go to Destinations

Then click on the IB settings button

You can then edit any options here. For working hours, this is by default taken from Account Defaults. Updating the options here will update just for this agent

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