Porting numbers to BCH
Access Service
In order to initiate a port to BCH you will first need to go to the Porting service in Management & Reports.
Current Requests
Active Ports
Here you will see all your active ports and their status
Clicking this button will show you the notes from Support for this port request. You can add or reply to any notes from this section
Takes you to the information of the port that was submitted.
New Requests
Add Numbers
To start the porting process you can add your numbers here.
Each request is limited to Geo or NGN, and they must all be the same Range Holder. After you've pasted your numbers in the field click on the on Add Numbers button.
This will show you the number, the type and the Range Holder. If there are different Range Holders you will be required to remove numbers until it's a single range holder and those will need to be submitted separately.
Once this is complete click on Continue.
You will now be required to complete the below fields:
Current Network Operator
Select the operator who has supplied the number to the current reseller or customer. If you are unsure you will need to contact your current supplier.
Site Address to register against numbers
These details are the address location of who will be picking up the phone. These are passed to 999 Emergency Services and are a requirement when porting
Customer's Company Details with Current Operator
The details the current operator hold
Requestor's Details
The information of the authorised person making the port
Line Type
Each number has a line type that can be a single or multiline. Asking your reseller or network directly you can get this information.
Main Billing Number (if known)
Some numbers are part of a range with a MBN. If you know it great, if not don't worry.
Request POV
A Port Order Verification is a process the networks use together to verify the details provided by the requestor is correct. If any details are incorrect we are then told what is correct by this process so the CLoA can be amended before submitting. This cuts down on unnecessary port rejections and associated charges.
Processing the CLoA
Once the above details are correct you will now be able to download the CLoA ready for it to be signed and dated.
Once this is signed the file needs to be saved as a PDF and uploaded using the Upload button. This will be sent through to Support for verifying before it's submitted to the network.
Keeping updated
You will receive email notifications of the process of the port. To access the notes or add any of your own for BCH to view you can do so by going to your Current Requests and then clicking on the Notes icon or following the link in your email.