Assist Classic (Automated)

Updated by BCH Digital Support

Assign Assist Classic

Click on + New Number in the top right

Click on the number you wish to assign, then choose the service you want adding to the number and click Assign Number

Configure the service

Click on the blue Configure button on the right of the number you wish to configure

You can now configure the following options:


Change the name of the service.

Payment Range

Enters value

Enter a lower and upper limit to accept


A single amount to pay

Request Max but allow min

Set a max value to pay. Caller can pay less to the Minimum Value

Defined by callers ID

If linked to a created Customer Database you can link a caller's ID (eg invoice number) to a value.

Value restricted to caller ID Max/Min

If linked to a created Customer Database you can link a caller's ID (eg invoice number) to a value. They can pay between the Min and Max value

Value restricted to caller ID Max/Min with Balance

If linked to a created Customer Database you can link a caller's ID (eg invoice number) to a value. They can pay between the Min and Max value. A balance is read out to the customer before proceeding.


This will request the value in the current selection. This will be passed to your gateway as this currency value (eg GBP, EUR etc).

Originating Number

Restrict callers with withheld numbers.

Customer Database

If you are choosing a callers ID selection from the Payment Range then a customer database needs to be created. You can do this from the Customer Records V1 portal service.

Audio Language

Languages the service is read back to the customer in.

SMS Receipts

To SMS to callers they need to be created in SMS Receipts in Admin Tools.

Not Required

No messages will be sent on authorised or declined transactions.

Use mobile CLI

Send a message to the callers CLI if from a mobile.

Request mobile if landline

Request caller enter a mobile number if calling from a non mobile number.

Request mobile

Request caller enter a mobile number.

Confirmation to Caller

On authorised transaction a reference ID can be read back to the customer.

Data Entry Attempts

Allow up to a maximum of 5 attempts per data entry prompt before the service ends the call or reroutes the call to a Live Agent.

Transaction Attempts

Allow up to a maximum of 5 transaction attempts before the service ends the call or reroutes the call to a Live Agent.

Live Agent Assistance

After a transaction takes place the call can be rerouted to a an external DDI.

Caller Identification & Verification

If you have the Customer Database option created for the service you can select what data entry to request from the caller. You can also use this capture data entry from the caller.

Contact Centre Hours

If Live Agent Assistance is configured, set office hours here for when to route calls.

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